Monday, 26 May 2014

Our Adventure - Feelings

⭐️Although we have been planning and packing and moving for the last four months I still feel completely unprepared for this huge cross Canada adventure. It's the thought of these beautiful sisters and the peace of nature that pushes me to keep going and continue to make my notes and lists and save and plan. 

 When I'm feeling overwhelmed I remind myself as to why we are taking this adventure. It's about the journey. It's about trying something new. It's about connecting to our roots and making new roots. We are going to make the most of this adventure to the other side. 

I have two days left of work my wonderful fiancé and travel buddy has four days left of work. Then it will be our usual proscanation that will cause us to go into frenzie mode to actually complete these to-do/to-buy lists. 

Wish us luck. More to come. ❤️

Ps ⭐️ this is my first post - I hope to find my voice and make this into something I can be proud of - subscribe by entering your email address to receive updates of my posts⭐️

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