Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Our Adventure -Day 4

Our Adventure - Day 4

Today I'm going to start at the end of the day to explain the delay in my post! We are official in edmonton. This is the crown jewel of our trip, jer has been looking forward to shopping and adventuring in the west edmonton mall more than anything on this trip. We didn't arrive until 7 and the shops close at 9 so we had to make it count. By the time we finished shopping we were starving and decided to swing by Burbon st (a section of the mall open late with restaurants). The old old spaghetti factory was the winner and they had a special on Caesars! This was our down fall. I literally had one but they were doubles and I believe the 5 am mornings and huge drives etc caused that drink to go straight to my head!

❤️reason for my early pass out❤️

But let's go back a moment. This was a huge day for us. We started in Russell Manitobia, blew through Saskatchewan and ended in Alberta! We woke up very early again today in our adorable little inn that we came across (and that was also 50% off!). 

We refilled our gas tanks and bellies and headed on our way. We were really only about half hour away from Saskatchewan at this point. The landscape stayed pretty flat but the scenery went from bright green and gorgeous to an over worked yellow land. It was very much a farm land province. The most impressive thing about Saskatchewan was the birds! We saw hawks, ducks, ravens, and a million red winged black birds. We called these last ones dive bombers since they would continually fly right in front of our cars! We literally had maybe 20 almost collisions with these birds. They were feisty little buggers battling with massive ravens all along the way as well!!!

❤️brave bird❤️

❤️Farm land❤️

❤️Yellow fields❤️

Our first major stop on the way was Saskatoon. We ended going to a bit of a rougher area since we were recommended a burrito place by our food expert Gianni. We did not take the time to fully explore this little town since we had so much ground to cover. The drive in was very pretty though. 


❤️Lunch destination❤️
The food was amazing. Probably the best burrito combo we have ever had. I was trying desperately not to lick my plate!!!


❤️Yup that happened❤️

Again just outstanding! We then Refilled the cars and headed out. We planned a Timmy's run in lloydminster Alberta for our next stop. Another quick pause on our way to our main destination. The biggest thing we noticed as we crossed into Alberta was all the damn trucks! I don't think one person living in the surrounding area of Alberta owns a car! I felt pretty special in my economical little Astra!


At one point the weather changed and rained so hard I thought we would have to pull over. Lucky for us that only lasted for 20 minutes and then the sun came back to us. More fields, factories and cattle passed as we continued to buzz through Alberta. We were almost there!


We had decided to spend the night at the west edmonton mall inn which was literally a 30 second walk to the mall. This would allow us to maximize our time there! So far the nicest hotel we have stayed at! And we got two beds!!! Haha. I guess because we are not quite married yet?!


❤️double beds❤️
❤️made a friend❤️
Even though we were exhausted from our early morning and crossing 3 provinces we were more excited to be at the mall...finally. So we crossed the street and blew through the mall. 


There was so much to see and do! We made a list of what we wanted to do the next day and bought a few items including some wine (burrowing owl jers dad's favorite) and hiking boots!

❤️mall sights ❤️

❤️Mall sights❤️

❤️Mall sights❤️
❤️mall sights❤️

❤️Mall sights❤️
Yes this is us all the way across the country in a pet store. We were missing our little Monty so had to get a kittie fix. 


And now we are back at the beginning. What a day!!!! We plan on taking it a bit easy on Tuesday but will still put a dent in our kms. Should be in terrace by Wednesday!

❤️wish us luck on the roller coasters❤️


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